
Adding an Example Notebook#

Sphinx doesn’t allow references to files that are outside the source directory (‘/docs’ in our case), so we have to use the nbsphinx_link package to include them in our documentation.

Say we have some example notebook located at /examples/wehr/wehr-nick.ipynb , and we want to refer to it from the .rst file located at /docs/examples/wehr/wehr.rst . We would create an .nblink file at /docs/examples/wehr/wehr-nick.ipynb like:

    "path": "../../../examples/wehr/wehr-nick.ipynb"

that references the .ipynb file relative to the directory that the .nblink file is in.

In /docs/examples/wehr/wehr.rst , we would then include the notebook using a toctree directive like:

.. toctree:
